Individual Tax Considerations
SKU: 06-421-01-CPE
Credit Hours: 1
CPE Category: Taxes
CE Category: Federal Tax
Delivery Method: Video
Instructor: Patrick J. McCormick, J.D., LL.M.
Course Description:
This course provides information on considerations for United States individuals in the international tax context. It will discuss detail on how individuals are classified as United States taxpayers – including review of options for reclassification of United States residents as nonresident aliens under either statutory or income tax treaty provisions.
This course will cover the following Learning Objectives:
- Learn how individuals are classified as United States tax residents for income tax purposes, and reclassification provisions available
- Analyze the classification rules for individuals in the context of estate and gift taxes, and evaluate their implications for tax planning and compliance
- Understand how individuals minimize double taxation on foreign-sourced income