Over a series of seven tutorials, you will explore how to develop a Hyperledger Fabric smart contract to serve as an inventory of vehicles using NodeJS and how to deploy and interact with it for your Blockchain solutions. Beginning with the Fabric network setup, you will learn how to provision a new Hyperledger Fabric network by reusing some of the configurations generated previously. Learn how to code the Init and Invoke methods of a Fabric smart contract in NodeJS, then access the contract state in NodeJS chaincode by adding entries and reading them. This leads to defining the NodeJS application and its dependencies in the package.json file for the chaincode. The next tutorial examines how to install, instantiate, and invoke a function on the NodeJS chaincode. A concluding exercise on Fabric chaincode in NodeJS reviews your new knowledge of describing NodeJS smart contract component requirements, then deploying and interacting with chaincode by using peer commands.
Objectives |
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS