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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Go Programming Essentials     Go Programming Essentials Track : 01 Go Foundation for Beginners

Final Exam: Go Foundation for Beginners will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Go Foundation for Beginners track of the Aspire Go Programming Essentials Journey.


Final Exam: Go Foundation for Beginners

  • declare and initialize constants in Go
  • declare and initialize variables in Go
  • declare and write functions in Go
  • define and work with arrays
  • describe and compare the key differences between Go and other languages, including Python, Java, C#, and JavaScript
  • describe how error handling is implemented in Go
  • describe the core aspects of Go, why it was developed, and describe the history and future of Go
  • describe the differentiating features of Go and how it solves challenges typically encountered by programmers to create simple, reliable, and efficient software
  • list and describe the positives and negatives of using Go and how those considerations affect the decision to use Go
  • list and describe the various data types supported in Go
  • read an entire file into memory using the ioutil package
  • recognize and use operators in Go
  • recognize error types and why error handling is such an important consideration
  • recognize Go program structure and syntax
  • recognize how functions and methods are created and used in Go
  • recognize how object orientation can be achieved in Go even though it is not strictly an object-oriented language
  • recognize how to use the errors package for managing errors
  • use function return values to handle error conditions
  • use parameters to pass data to functions
  • work with data returned by functions