Final Exam: Python Journeyman - configure a route in your Flask app so that POST requests can be submitted to it
- convey the invocation of an operation to end-users using message flashing
- create a condition instance that will have multiple threads waiting for data to be generated
- create and execute a coroutine using the asyncio module
- create a pool of processes to which tasks can be submitted
- create a readme file for a Python module which bundles documentation and testing in a single file
- define and execute multiple tests within a single test case
- define a route that renders an HTML page when a URL is accessed
- define a script testing out multiple functions in the source using the PyCharm IDE
- define, initialize, and execute a process in Python
- describe multithreading and compare its performance with sequential execution of tasks
- describe the different types of Queue objects available in Python
- describe the implementation of threads and processes in the Python language
- describe the steps involved in a web request and the role of web applications in the process
- distinguish between multiprocessing and multithreading in the context of sharing data in memory
- download, install and configure the PyCharm IDE
- execute queries against tables using an SQLAlchemy model
- execute tests defined in multiple scripts using pytest
- execute two threads concurrently to save time relative to a sequential execution
- generate hashes of passwords using the Bcrypt package
- generate URLs dynamically using the url_for function
- handle successful and unsuccessful HTTP requests according to the status code of the response
- identify the specific use cases for multithreading
- implement producer and consumer threads that add to and remove from a queue
- initialize and execute a thread in Python
- install Flask in a virtual environment on your development machine
- install SQL Alchemy and use it to connect the Flask application to an SQLite database
- install the latest version of Python and write a test using the unittest framework
- install the Python Requests package and set up a workspace
- invoke PUT, OPTIONS, and DELETE requests and recognize the specific use case for each of them
- make a GET request and explore the response object returned
- make a GET request and explore the response object returned, which includes a status code and headers
- modify the boilerplate CSS and HTML definitions to customize the look of a web site
- pick the tests to execute based on the test function names
- recall the features of the Flask framework that are available either out of the box or via extensions
- recognize the conditions under which a deadlock may occur
- recognize the various pieces that can make up web applications and the role of web frameworks in defining them
- recognize what a race condition is and when it can occur with concurrent programming
- recognize what sequential execution is and what its limitations are
- recognize when a test script will benefit from the use of fixture functions
- recognize where doctests can be placed within source code
- retrieve metadata for a resource using a HEAD request
- return a custom error page whenever a 404 error is invoked on your web site
- select the tests to execute based on the test function names
- serve a custom error page whenever a 404 error is invoked on your web site
- set a name for a thread and ensure a thread waits for a created thread to complete
- stop the execution of tests when there are a specific number of test failures
- summarize how semaphores can restrict the number of concurrent tasks accessing a shared resource
- use SQL Alchemy to generate relational database tables for each model defined in your application
- use the Bcrypt package to generate hashes of passwords so that they can be stored securely
- use the different decorators available in unittest to conditionally and unconditionally skip specific tests
- use the Flask debugger to record information in your application's log
- use the map function of multithreading. Pool instance to submit multiple tasks to a process pool
- use the Requests package to construct a POST request that includes a set of key-value pairs to be submitted to a server
- use the run, create_task, and gather functions in the asyncio modules to execute tasks
- use the setUp and tearDown functions to define common operations for tests in a script
- using an SQLAlchemy model, execute queries against tables
- write and execute a test using pytest
- write and execute a test using the doctest module
- write the code for a simple "Hello World" web site using Flask