5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Software Development Solution Area     Java 2 Programming     Reflection for Runtime Inspection
Reflection is a popular programming technique that accesses and modifies class and object information at runtime. Reflection is available in many programming languages, but Java has an especially powerful set of reflection APIs that reflect - no pun intended - the emphasis that Java lays on type safety.
Learn how to access a Java class object. Use reflection APIs to view class fields, constructors, and methods. Create objects for various built-in classes and use reflection to view the class of an object.
Investigate the significance of the fully qualified name of a class and how you can use the .forName() method from the built-in class java.lang.Class. Use this method to obtain variables of primitive types and arrays of differing dimensionality. Then use reflection to access modifiers applied to member fields.
Upon completion, you'll be able to use reflection in your Java operations with confidence.


Java: Getting Started with Reflection

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create and set up a basic IntelliJ project to write java code
  • define new classes and instantiate objects of these classes
  • use class handles accessed via reflection to explore properties of classes
  • view fields, methods, and their modifiers using reflection
  • examine how you can identify classes from their objects
  • use reflection to identify a variety of classes from objects
  • get fully qualified names and simple names of classes using their handles
  • investigate how you can get a handle to class objects using just the class name
  • use reflection to identify the modifiers of class members
  • identify anonymous, local, member classes, and interfaces using reflection
  • identify enums, arrays, and primitives using reflection
  • access package information, superclass, and declaring class information
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course