5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Certifications     Microsoft     Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder     70-483: Programming in C# (Update)

Debugging and securing your applications is crucial prior to deployment. Discover input validation, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, managing an assembly, using compiler directives, and implementing diagnostics.


Programming in C#: Debugging and Security Implementation

  • use regular expressions
  • validate data in the JSON format
  • use the SQLConnection and the SQLConnectionStringBuilder classes to guard against attacks on your database
  • use the AesCryptoServiceProvider class and the Common Language Runtime's CryptoStream object to implement encryption
  • use the Microsoft Windows Certificates Manager to locate Certification Authorities and manage user and local machine X.509 certificates
  • verify the integrity of data by using hashing on the contents of a file
  • use either faster symmetric or more secure asymmetric algorithms
  • generate a unique key pair and assign it to an assembly
  • create and use WinMD assembly
  • use Microsoft Visual Studio's Global Assembly Cache (GAC) to store and deploy strong-named components
  • use compiler directives
  • configure tracing functionality
  • work with trace switches and listeners
  • configure performance counters
  • write to the event log