5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Collections     Sysadmin & DevOps Collection     DevOps     Using Docker
Applications can be packaged and deployed in multiple ways using Docker. Working with Docker containers, images, and client daemon help administrators, developers, and testers quickly access updated applications and make necessary changes before production. In this course, you will learn understand the concept of Dockerization, how to work with Docker containers, Docker images, link containers, and manage data in containers.


Understanding Dockerization

  • start the course
  • identify the features of a Dockerized application
  • list the steps to spawn an interactive Docker container
  • list the steps to daemonize a Docker container
  • list the steps and commands to access a Docker daemon

Working with Docker Containers

  • identify the syntax and version of a Docker command
  • identify Docker client commands and usage
  • describe the command to execute an application in Docker
  • describe container and port details
  • use commands to name and inspect config details in JSON

Working with Docker Images

  • identify the step to list available Docker images
  • list the steps to pull a Docker image
  • list the steps to search for Docker images
  • list the steps to update, create, and commit a Docker image
  • list the steps to push and remove an image from the host or registry

Linking Containers

  • identify the use of the -P and -D flags to control port access
  • identify the steps to link containers by referencing through names
  • Use environment variables to link containers
  • list available environment variables and its impact on /etc/hosts file

Managing Data in Containers

  • understanding data volumes
  • identify the steps to configure data volumes
  • list the steps to create a data volume container to share data between containers
  • identify the steps to back up and restore data

Practice: Building an Updated Ubuntu Image

  • define steps to edit an Ubuntu image for adding a command to it