5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Leadership Advantage 3.0
Motivation is a desire or an emotion that propels you to act. It's a decision you make to get a result that you want. Simply wanting or even needing something is not the same as being motivated to take action to get it. The connection between desire, the decision to act on the desire, and the results of taking action is an important part of understanding motivation in the workplace. As a leader or manager, you get work done by getting others to take action – and it's a lot easier if they want to! You can't make someone else motivated to do something. But, if you understand enough about motivation to make it a positive and productive part of your leadership role, you can create an environment in which employees can fulfill their own motivations, make meaningful contributions and be excited about doing so. This program is designed to help you appreciate the complexity of human motivation, recognize the value of motivation in the workplace, distinguish different motivations, use motivational approaches when playing a leadership role, and manage motivational challenges.