IT Professional Certifications (ISC)2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP)
Software lifecycle activities regularly extend beyond the internal environment. Outsourced software development, acquisition, and procurement activities require specific attention to ensure security is integrated into the end software product or service. In this course, you'll learn about supplier risk assessment considerations, including intellectual property, code reuse, and legal compliance complexities. This course also introduces some considerations to make with supplier sourcing like contractual integrity controls, vendor technical integrity controls, and service-level agreements or SLAs. Finally, this course also introduces software delivery and maintenance best practices like publishing and dissemination controls, product deployment and sustainment controls, and supplier transitioning requirements. This course is one of a series in the learning path that covers the objectives for the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional or CSSLP exam.
Objectives |
Supplier Risk Assessment
Supplier Sourcing
Software Development and Testing
Software Delivery, Operations, and Maintenance
Supplier Transitioning
Practice: Supply Chain and Software Acquisition