Getting Started - start the course
- define Sinatra and describe its characteristics
- describe how to install Sinatra and the Thin server on UNIX based platforms, and create and run a simple application
Routing and Non-Routed Content - declare routes using various route verbs in Sinatra
- configure routes to share the same handler, use parameters, including query string parameters and wildcards
- describe how the first match is used and how routes can be matched using regular expressions in Sinatra
- halt, pass, trigger, and redirect requests in Sinatra
- use filters to modify requests and responses in Sinatra
- deliver static content from default public folder and other locations without using routing
Templates and Views - define inline and external templates to work with views in Sinatra
- use instance variables to pass data to views, and use filters in Sinatra
Models - generate and use ActiveRecord models in a Sinatra application
- generate and use DataMapper models in a Sinatra application
Working with Content and Error Handling - configure Sinatra to send attachments to a client
- configure content streaming including finite streaming in a Sinatra application
- configure finite streaming in a Sinatra application
- use the not_found and error blocks to handle errors in Sinatra
- describe application/class scope, request/instance scope, delegation scope, and associated bindings in Sinatra applications
Extensions and Helpers - create extensions in Sinatra
- create and use helper methods in modules in Sinatra
Configuration, Settings and Caching - use the configure block to apply configuration in Sinatra
- use set: or enable:key or the settings object to apply settings at class or top level in Sinatra
- use the headers method in Sinatra to set HTTP headers in response objects to provide information to servers and clients
- access information via the request object in Sinatra
- set cache headers, cache control, and content expiration in Sinatra with the headers, cache_control, and expires helpers
- define and generate ETags (entity tags) including weak ETags
- enable and destroy sessions using the configure block and session.clear in Sinatra
- set cookies in Sinatra
- manage Sinatra dependencies with Bundler
Practice: Creating Sinatra Applications - develop and configure a basic application in Sinatra