5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Collections     Developer Collection     Web Development Technologies     Introduction to Ajax Development
This course explores the technologies that are used to enable Ajax applications to interact with a server's external data. It will begin by examining the important role that ASP.NET, PHP, Java, and Ajax play in developing Ajax applications, and then explore how Ajax can access and utilize external data sent from a variety of sources. The course will move on to discuss JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and how frameworks and libraries can add complex degrees of functionality to an application with minimal effort. This course is one of a series providing an introduction to Ajax development.


Server-Side Technologies and Data in Ajax

  • recognize how Ajax and server-side technologies work together
  • deploy an Ajax application in ASP.NET
  • use PHP with an Ajax application
  • use Java servlets with an Ajax application
  • distinguish between the formats used for external data feeds
  • extract XML data from an external feed
  • extract string data from an external feed
  • use Ajax to create a feed reader
  • use server-side technologies in an Ajax application
  • extract external data in an Ajax application
  • create a news feed reader in an Ajax application

JSON, Frameworks, and Libraries

  • recognize key characteristics of JSON
  • distinguish between JSON and XML as formats for transferring data in Ajax applications
  • use JSON in an Ajax application
  • use JSON-PHP in Ajax applications
  • distinguish between major server-side frameworks available for use with Ajax
  • distinguish between major client-side libraries available for use with Ajax
  • build an Ajax application that utilizes JSON
  • use JSON-PHP in an Ajax application