Data and Databases
Enterprise Development to Full Stack Developer
IT Skills
- Beginning Machine Learning in the Browser: Quick-start Guide to Gait Analysis with JavaScript and TensorFlow.js
- HTML, CSS & JavaScript in easy steps
- JavaScript for ABAP Developers
- JavaScript in easy steps, 6th edition
- Pro Data Visualization Using R and JavaScript: Analyze and Visualize Key Data on the Web
- Testing JavaScript Applications
- The Joy of JavaScript
Operating Systems and Servers
Software Design and Development
- Beginning Android Web Apps Development: Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
- Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript
- Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL
- Building JavaScript Games: For Phones, Tablets, and Desktop
- Building Web Applications with .NET Core 2.1 and JavaScript: Leveraging Modern JavaScript Frameworks, Second Edition
- Deep Learning with JavaScript: Neural Networks in TensorFlow.js
- Developing a React.js Edge: The JavaScript Library for User Interfaces, Second Edition
- Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming, 3rd Edition
- Essential ASP.NET Web Forms Development: Full Stack Programming with C#, SQL, Ajax, and JavaScript
- Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript
- Java EE Web Application Primer: Building Bullhorn: A Messaging App with JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, Bootstrap and Oracle
- JavaScript Object Programming
- JavaScript Testing Beginner's Guide: Test and Debug JavaScript the Easy Way
- Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android
- Learn Meteor - Node.js and MongoDB JavaScript Platform: Be Ready for Coding Away Next Week Using Meteor
- Learn PHP 7: Object-Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL
- Learn Unity 3D Programming with UnityScript: Unity's JavaScript for Beginners
- Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript
- Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript, Second Edition
- Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript
- Pro Android Web Game Apps: Using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
- The Advanced Game Developer's Toolkit: Create Amazing Web-based Games with JavaScript and HTML5
- Web Standards Programmer's Reference: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and PHP
- Windows 8 MVVM Patterns Revealed: Covers Both C# and JavaScript
Web Development and Graphic Design
- Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript
- Advanced JavaScript, Third Edition
- Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, Second Edition
- Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Beginning iOS Application Development with HTML and JavaScript
- Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries: Swing, JavaFX, JavaScript, JDBC and Network Programming APIs
- Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery
- Beginning JavaScript Charts: With jqPlot, D3, and Highcharts
- Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax, Second Edition
- Beginning JavaScript, Fifth Edition
- Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development, Third Edition
- Beginning PhoneGap: Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5
- Beginning Smartphone Web Development: Building Javascript, CSS, HTML and Ajax-Based Applications for iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Nokia S60
- Beginning Windows 8 Data Development: Using C# and JavaScript
- Building a 2D Game Physics Engine: Using HTML5 and JavaScript
- Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017: Using .NET Core and Modern JavaScript Frameworks
- Coding with JavaScript For Dummies
- Connecting Arduino to the Web: Front End Development Using JavaScript
- Creating Client and Server Scripts Using JavaScript
- Custom SharePoint Solutions with HTML and JavaScript: For SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online
- D3.js in Action: Data Visualization with JavaScript
- D3.js in Action: Data Visualization with JavaScript, Second Edition
- Data Visualization with JavaScript
- Data Wrangling with JavaScript
- Développement Web mobile avec HTML, CSS et JavaScript Pour les Nuls
- DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model, Second Edition
- Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery: Putting jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript Effects into Your Drupal 6 Modules and Themes
- Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
- Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming, 2nd Edition
- ES6 for Humans: The Latest Standard of JavaScript: ES2015 and Beyond
- Expert JavaScript
- Ext JS 3.0 Cookbook: 109 Great Recipes for Building Impressive Rich Internet Applications Using the Ext JS JavaScript Library
- Foundation Adobe Edge Animate: For HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
- Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript
- Foundation Website Creation with CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript
- Full Stack JavaScript: Learn Backbone.js, Node.js and MongoDB, Second Edition
- Functional Programming in JavaScript: How to Improve Your Javascript Programs Using Functional Techniques
- Get Programming with JavaScript Next: New Features of ECMAScript 2015, 2016, and beyond
- HTML for the Business Developer: with JavaServer Pages, PHP, ASP.NET, CGI, and JavaScript
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Mobile Development For Dummies
- HTML5 and JavaScript Projects
- HTML5 Programming with JavaScript For Dummies
- HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer
- Introducing ArcGIS API 4 for JavaScript: Turn Awesome Maps into Awesome Apps
- Introducing Deno: A First Look at the Newest JavaScript Runtime
- Introducing JavaScript Game Development: Build a 2D Game from the Ground Up
- Introducing Regular Expressions: JavaScript and TypeScript
- IoT Development for ESP32 and ESP8266 with JavaScript: A Practical Guide to XS and the Moddable SDK
- JavaScript & Ajax for Dummies
- JavaScript & JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
- JavaScript 24-Hour Trainer
- JavaScript and jQuery for Data Analysis and Visualization
- JavaScript and Open Data
- JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach
- JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach
- JavaScript Bible, Seventh Edition
- JavaScript Creativity: Exploring the Modern Capabilities of JavaScript and HTML5
- JavaScript Essentials
- JavaScript Examples Bible: The Essential Companion to JavaScript Bible
- JavaScript Extensions for Oracle Policy Modeling
- JavaScript for Absolute Beginners
- JavaScript For Dummies, 4th Edition
- JavaScript for Modern Web Development: Building a Web Application Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- JavaScript for Web Designers
- JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
- JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Development: The Essential Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools to Learn Right Now, Second Edition
- JavaScript in Easy Steps, Fifth Edition
- JavaScript Next: Your Complete Guide to the New Features Introduced in JavaScript, Starting from ES6 to ES9
- JavaScript on Things: Hacking Hardware for Web Developers
- JavaScript Programmer's Reference
- JavaScript Programmer's Reference
- JavaScript Programming: Pushing the Limits: Advanced Application Development with JavaScript & HTML5
- JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference
- JavaScript Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
- JavaScript: A Beginners Guide, Fourth Edition
- JavaScript: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development
- JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Third Edition
- JavaScript: The New Toys
- Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS
- Learn JavaScript In a Weekend, 2nd Edition
- Learn JavaScript with p5.js: Coding for Visual Learners
- Learn PHP 8: Using MySQL, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5, Second Edition
- Learning jQuery: Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques
- Learning Dojo: Build a Great Web Experience with Simple Dojo and JavaScript Techniques
- Learning jQuery 1.3: Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques
- Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create Scalable, Reusable High-Quality JavaScript Applications, and Libraries
- Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations: with HTML5 Canvas
- Practical JavaScript Techniques
- Practical JavaScript, DOM Scripting, and Ajax Projects
- Practical Machine Learning in JavaScript: TensorFlow.js for Web Developers
- Practical Oracle JET: Developing Enterprise Applications in JavaScript
- Pro Android Web Apps: Develop for Android Using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
- Pro Data Visualization using R and JavaScript
- Pro HTML5 with CSS, JavaScript, and Multimedia: Complete Website Development and Best Practices
- Pro iOS Web Design and Development: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari
- Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
- Pro JavaScript Development: Coding, Capabilities, and Tooling
- Pro JavaScript for Web Apps
- Pro JavaScript with MooTools: Learning Advanced JavaScript Programming
- Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development
- Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development, Second Edition
- Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 4th Edition
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Third Edition
- Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype,YUI, ExtJS, Dojo and MooTools
- Professional Node.js: Building Javascript-Based Scalable Software
- Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery
- Programming the BeagleBone Black: Getting Started with JavaScript and BoneScript
- Reliable JavaScript
- Roguelike Development with JavaScript: Build and Publish Roguelike Genre Games with JavaScript and Phaser
- Scripting in Java: Integrating with Groovy and JavaScript
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Second Edition
- Secure Development for Mobile Apps: How to Design and Code Secure Mobile Applications with PHP and JavaScript
- Single Page Web Applications: JavaScript End-to-End
- Smashing Mobile Web Development: Going Mobile with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
- Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere
- Source Code Analytics With Roslyn and JavaScript Data Visualization
- The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs: Building Node.js Applications with JavaScript
- The Essential Guide to HTML5: Using Games to Learn HTML5 and JavaScript
- The Essential Guide to HTML5: Using Games to Learn HTML5 and JavaScript, Second Edition
- The Modern Web: Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
- Understanding Advanced JavaScript
- Understanding ECMAScript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers
- Web Application Design and Implementation: Apache 2, PHP5, MySQL, JavaScript, and Linux/UNIX
- Web Developer's Cookbook: More than 300 Ready-Made PHP, JavaScript, and CSS Recipes
Web Programmer to Apprentice Programmer
- Front-End Reactive Architectures: Explore the Future of the Front-End using Reactive JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
- Functional Programming in JavaScript
- Get Programming with JavaScript
- JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
- Pro JavaScript Techniques, Second Edition
- React Native in Action: Developing iOS and Android apps with JavaScript
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Second Edition
Practice Lab
IT Infrastructure Practice Labs
Video Course
Enterprise Developer to Full Stack Developer
Information Technology
- Encore Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Fundamentals Expert Live with Encore
- Live Session 1: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Live Session 2: Advanced JavaScript, jQuery, and AngularJS
- Post-Test 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Pre-Test 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Pre-Test 2: JavaScript Data Types
IT Infrastructure Practice Labs
Operating Systems and Server Technologies Solution Area
Operating Systems and Servers
Software Design and Development
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Advanced CSS
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Advanced Input Validation
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Advanced Input Validation
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Data Flow, Consuming, & Transmitting Data
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Introduction
- HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Styling HTML5 & JavaScript
- Unit Testing in JavaScript: Mocha & Chai
- Web Fundamentals: Web Fundamentals: Dynamic Web Pages with JavaScript
Web Design Solution Area
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Mediator, State, & Command Behavioral Patterns
- JavaScript Front-end Development: Development Basics
- JavaScript Front-end Development: Functions & Objects
- JavaScript Front-end Development: JavaScript Fundamentals
- JavaScript Sencha: Sencha Touch
- JavaScript SPA: Adding Views and Handling View Navigation in Durandal
- JavaScript SPA: Durandal Modules and Lifecycle events
- JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations
- JavaScript: Objects
- JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events
Web Development and Graphic Design
- Defensive Coding Fundamentals for JavaScript and HTML5
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Constructor, Factory, & Abstract Factory Creational Patterns
- Encore Session 2: JavaScript Data Types
- HTML5 and JavaScript
- JavaScript Front-end Development: Data, Decision Making, & Arrays
- JavaScript Front-end Development: Errors, Events, Objects, & New Features
- JavaScript Front-end Development: Frameworks
- JavaScript Sencha: Ext JS
- JavaScript SPA: Connecting to and Managing Data
- JavaScript SPA: SPA Views and Routes
- JavaScript SPA: Working with Rich Application Data
- JavaScript SPA: Working With Validation
- JavaScript: Closures & Prototypes
- JavaScript: Introduction
- JavaScript: Types, Operators, & Control Structures in JavaScript
- Live Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Live Session 2: JavaScript Data Types
- Post-Test 2: JavaScript Data Types
Web Programmer to Apprentice Programmer
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Flyweight, Adapter, Composite, & Proxy Structural Patterns
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Getting Started
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Module, Revealing Module, Façade, Decorator, & Mixin Structural Patterns
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Observer & Iterator Behavioral Patterns
- Design Patterns in JavaScript: Singleton, Prototype, & Builder Creational Patterns
- JavaScript: Form Validation & Async Programming in JavaScript
- JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript
- JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript Programming
- Unit Testing in JavaScript: Exploring & Configuring the Mocha Testing Framework
- Unit Testing in JavaScript: Mocha & Unit.js
- Unit Testing in JavaScript: Should.js & Must.js
- Unit Testing in JavaScript: SinonJS
Information Technology
- Encore Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Fundamentals Expert Live with Encore
- Live Session 1: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Live Session 2: Advanced JavaScript, jQuery, and AngularJS
- Post-Test 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Pre-Test 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Pre-Test 2: JavaScript Data Types