Data and Databases
- Blockchain for Business with Hyperledger Fabric: A Complete Guide to Enterprise Blockchain Implementation Using Hyperledger Fabric
- Developing a Blockchain Business Network with Hyperledger Composer Using the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan
- Hyperledger Fabric In-Depth: Learn, Build and Deploy Blockchain Applications Using Hyperledger Fabric
Software Design and Development
- Advanced Perl Programming Techniques
- Advanced Perl Programming: From Advanced to Expert
- Analyzing Computer System Performance with Perl::PDQ
- Beginning Perl
- Beginning Perl Programming: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning Perl, Third Edition
- Building Bioinformatics Solutions: With Perl, R and MySQL
- Developing Web Applications with Perl, memcached, MySQL and Apache
- Getting Started With Perl
- Higher-Order Perl: A Guide to Program Transformation
- Language Processing with Perl and Prolog: Theories, Implementation, and Application, Second Edition
- Learn Perl in a Weekend
- Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars: A Recursive Descent into Parsing
- Perl 6 Fundamentals : A Primer with Examples, Projects, and Case Studies
- Perl 6 Now: The Core Ideas Illustrated with Perl 5
- Perl 6 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, the Core Modules, and the Community
- PERL Basics for Visual Learners
- Perl Black Book, Second Edition
- Perl Core Language Little Black Book, Second Edition
- Perl Database Programming
- Perl One-Liners: 130 Programs That Get Things Done
- Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner
- Perl Weekend Crash Course
- Practical Text Mining with Perl
- Pro Perl
- Pro Perl Debugging: From Professional to Expert
- Professional PERL Programming
- Scripting with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Scripting with Perl and Python
- Web Standards Programmer's Reference: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and PHP
- Wicked Cool Perl Scripts: Useful Perl Scripts that Solve Difficult Problems
Web Development and Graphic Design
Video Course
Application Developer to Blockchain Solutions Architect
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: An Overview of Blockchain Technology
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: An Overview of Hyperledger
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: The Hyperledger Fabric
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Composer Playground
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric Web App
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in Golang
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS