Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Operating Systems and Servers
- Agile Swift: Swift Programming Using Agile Tools and Techniques
- Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS: Develop 2D and 3D Games Using Apple's SceneKit and SpriteKit, Second Edition
- Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS
- Serverless Swift: Apache OpenWhisk for iOS Developers
- Swift 3 for Absolute Beginners, Third Edition
- Swift For Dummies
- Swift Quick Syntax Reference
Productivity & Collaboration Tools
Software Design and Development
- Beginning CareKit Development: Develop CareKit Applications Using Swift
- Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 2: Exploring the iOS SDK
- Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 3: Exploring the iOS SDK, Third Edition
- Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 4: Exploring the iOS SDK, Fourth Edition
- Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 5: Exploring the iOS SDK, Fifth Edition
- Beginning iPhone Development with Swift: Exploring the iOS SDK
- Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS
- Beginning Swift Programming
- Beginning Xcode: Swift 3 Edition
- Beginning Xcode: Swift Edition
- Build iOS Database Apps with Swift and SQLite
- Classic Computer Science Problems in Swift: Essential Techniques for Practicing Programmers
- Coding iPhone Apps for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Swift
- Convolutional Neural Networks with Swift for Tensorflow: Image Recognition and Dataset Categorization
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift: Implement Stacks, Queues, Dictionaries, and Lists in Your Apps
- Develop Intelligent iOS Apps with Swift: Understand Texts, Classify Sentiments, and Autodetect Answers in Text Using NLP
- Developing for Apple TV using tvOS and Swift
- EMC for Cinder and Swift
- Exploring Swift Playgrounds: The Fastest and Most Effective Way to Learn to Code and to Teach Others to Use Your Code
- Hello Swift!: iOS App Programming for Kids and other Beginners
- iOS Code Testing: Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development with Swift
- iOS Development with Swift
- Learn Computer Science with Swift: Computation Concepts, Programming Paradigms, Data Management, and Modern Component Architectures with Swift and Playgrounds
- Learn Swift 2 on the Mac, Second Edition
- macOS Programming for Absolute Beginners: Developing Apps Using Swift and Xcode
- Migrating to Swift from Android
- Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript
- Migrating to Swift from Web Development
- More iPhone Development with Swift: Exploring the iOS SDK
- OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
- Practical Swift
- Pro Design Patterns in Swift
- Pro iOS Table Views and Collection Views: Using Swift 2
- Pro iPhone Development with Swift 4: Design and Manage Top Quality Apps
- Pro iPhone Development with Swift 5: Design and Manage Top Quality Apps, Second Edition
- Professional Swift
- Simulations in Swift 5: Design and Implement with Swift Playgrounds
- Swift 2 for Absolute Beginners
- Swift 4 for Absolute Beginners: Develop Apps for iOS, Fourth Edition
- Swift 5 for Absolute Beginners: Learn to Develop Apps for iOS, Fifth Edition
- Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners
- Swift iOS 24-Hour Trainer
- Swift OS X Programming for Absolute Beginners
- Swift Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
- Swift Programming in Easy Steps
- SwiftUI for Absolute Beginners: Program Controls and Views for iPhone, iPad, and Mac Apps
- Transitioning to Swift
- UI Design for iOS App Development: Using SwiftUI