Human Resources
- AHA Moments in Talent Management: A Business Fable With Practical Exercises
- AHA Moments in Talent Management: A Business Fable With Practical Exercises
- ATD Talent Management Handbook
- Best Practices in Talent Management: How the World's Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retain Top Talent
- Commonsense Talent Management: Using Strategic Human Resources to Improve Company Performance
- Competencies at Work: Providing a Common Language for Talent Management
- Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success
- Inclusive Talent Management: How Business Can Thrive In an Age of Diversity
- Integrated Talent Management Scorecards: Insights From World-Class Organizations on Demonstrating Value
- Knowledge Transfer: The Key to Organizational Resilience and Agility: Talent Management, Volume 35, Issue 1807, July 2018
- Make Your People before You Make Your Products: Using Talent Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Global Organizations
- Reinventing Talent Management: Principles and Practices for the New World of Work
- Reinventing Talent Management: Principles and Practices for the New World of Work
- Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative
- Talent Management: From Competencies to Organizational Performance
- Talent Management: Practices and Opportunities
- The Talent Management Handbook: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the Best People, Second Edition
- The Talent Management Pocketbook
- The Talent Powered Organization: Strategies for Globalization, Talent Management and High Performance
- The Value of Talent: Promoting Talent Management Across the Organization
- Workforce of One: Revolutionizing Talent Management Through Customization